things to see in the vatican museum

Top Things to See in the Vatican Museums

Your family trip to Rome is not complete without visiting Vatican City, technically a separate country from Italy. The Vatican Museums, located within the Vatican City in Rome, house an extraordinary collection of art and historical artifacts. Spanning a vast expanse, the museums offer a captivating journey through centuries of artistic masterpieces and cultural heritage. In this article, we will delve into the must-see attractions within the Vatican Museums, providing insights into the highlights that should not be missed during your visit.

Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel stands as the crown jewel of the Vatican Museums. Enter this iconic space and be awestruck by Michelangelo’s masterpiece—the breathtaking ceiling frescoes depicting scenes from Genesis. Don’t forget to look up and admire The Last Judgment on the chapel’s altar wall, another magnificent work by Michelangelo.

Raphael Rooms

Adorned with frescoes painted by Raphael and his workshop, the Raphael Rooms are a true artistic marvel. These rooms were once the private chambers of Pope Julius II and feature intricate artwork showcasing Raphael’s genius. The School of Athens, one of Raphael’s most famous works, can be found in the Stanza della Segnatura.

Gallery of Maps

Step into the Gallery of Maps and be transported into a world of cartographic beauty. This stunning corridor is lined with a series of large-scale frescoes depicting maps of different Italian regions. The level of detail and precision in these 16th-century maps is truly remarkable, offering a fascinating glimpse into the geographical knowledge of the time.

Pio Clementino Museum

Home to one of the world’s most important collections of classical sculpture, the Pio Clementino Museum is a must-visit within the Vatican Museums. Marvel at the Belvedere Torso, the Apollo Belvedere, and the Laocoön and His Sons, among many other ancient masterpieces. The grandeur and craftsmanship of these sculptures are bound to leave a lasting impression.

Gallery of Tapestries

As you make your way through the Vatican Museums, don’t miss the Gallery of Tapestries. Adorning the walls is a series of intricate tapestries depicting various biblical scenes. These remarkable works of textile art are meticulously woven and provide a glimpse into the opulence and craftsmanship of the Renaissance era.


The Vatican’s Pinacoteca, or Picture Gallery, houses a vast collection of religious artwork spanning from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. Here, you can admire works by renowned artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Caravaggio, and Titian. The gallery offers a comprehensive overview of the evolution of religious art throughout the centuries.

Gregorian Egyptian Museum

For enthusiasts of ancient Egyptian history, the Gregorian Egyptian Museum is a hidden gem within the Vatican Museums. Explore a collection of mummies, funerary artifacts, and ancient Egyptian statues. The museum provides a fascinating glimpse into the rich symbolism and funerary practices of this ancient civilization.

Vatican Gardens

While not technically part of the Vatican Museums, the Vatican Gardens offer a tranquil escape within the Vatican City. Take a leisurely stroll through beautifully manicured landscapes, admire sculptures, fountains, and grottoes, and enjoy the serene atmosphere away from the bustling museum crowds.

Tips for Visiting the Vatican Museums

  • Purchase Skip-the-Line Tickets: The Vatican Museums can get incredibly crowded, so it’s advisable to purchase skip-the-line tickets in advance to save time and avoid long queues.
  • Dress Modestly: As the Vatican City is a religious site, visitors are expected to dress modestly. Ensure your shoulders and knees are covered, and avoid wearing revealing clothing.
  • Plan Your Visit Strategically: The Vatican Museums are vast, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Plan your visit by prioritizing the areas and attractions you wish to see the most, or consider joining a guided tour for a curated experience.
  • Consider an Early Morning or Late Afternoon Visit: To avoid the peak crowds, consider visiting the Vatican Museums early in the morning or later in the afternoon. This allows for a more relaxed experience and better photo opportunities.

A visit to the Vatican Museums is a journey through art, history, and culture. With its awe-inspiring collection of masterpieces, from Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel to Raphael’s frescoes and the ancient treasures of the Pio Clementino Museum, the Vatican Museums offer a profound and enriching experience. Immerse yourself in the artistic legacy of the Vatican and let the beauty and significance of these treasures leave an indelible mark on your memory.